Thursday, June 11, 2009

courage and faith and love and remembering

This week Brian and I are going down to St. George with some friends for the weekend. We are so very excited. But before I left I wanted to post a little note to all of my lovelies. This week I have been thinking a lot about this:

On June 13th it will be one year since John passed away. He is my best friend Brittany's daddy. He was such a wonderful father, husband, priesthood holder, and served our country for so many years. He was such a good friend and example to me and every year on June 13th I feel grateful that I was able to watch him so bravely fight cancer. And I will always feel grateful for what I have learned from the Pierce's as they have fought the battle of life with out their dad and husband. This picture was taken right after John was diagnosed with cancer. Britt and Brandon were both serving as missionaries but came home for a day to go to the temple as a family. Don't you love that? Don't you love that they went back out and finished their missions? So, so brave. Love you all. Have a good rainy weekend- we will be basking. - Brian and Andrea Todd


J & J said...

i love this. love the pierce family.

Alison said...


Steve and Jen said...

So sweet and sentimental! so how was the sunshine in George? We loved MOAB!